Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Clemson Game

Game time is set for 12:00. Final weigh in is 4:00 (after the game). All agree? Yes? Answer asap.


Michael Budihardjo said...

I thought we were having the weigh-in before the game. How else can we figure out who is the beer bitch?

sledge7005 said...

I didn't think we were having a beer bitch. Also, where? At the game, someone's home, etc.?

sledge7005 said...

I think we should weigh before the game as well. Regardless of whether we have a beer bitch.

Biglu55 said...

No issues w/ time. I will not be able to attend the game, but am certainly willing to get together before for the weigh in. For the official weigh in, we must (1) all be together and (2) all have our personal scales. Not concerned with when/where/how. We could meet before the game, but it's early, so we'd have to do it around 1030ish (or before...not much time for tail-gating). We could meet after the game (just before dinner), but then the numbers would be skewed. For the final weigh in we must all be present, after that, nothing else matters. You guys decide.

Shoney said...

Why oh why would you even suggest to weigh-in after the game. You crazy bastard! Since you're not going you figured you'd get the advantage by gymming it up one last time before weigh-in. Don't forget to have a big breakfast Saturday morning. Gotta be well fed and energized for the weigh-in