Saturday, January 26, 2008

End of Season 1 and Start of Season 2

I apologize to anyone who was reading this site for not putting up the final standings. The winner was........ Lu, in an upset over Edge! Lu "edged" his way to a win by about 0.1 point. Ben was the Big Loser (of not losing weight) and had the pleasure of paying for our drinks that night (he did not go to the game or tailgate) and being referred to as Lard Ass by his best Raleigh friends (Ben, why don't you come home more often?). Lu has the final results which we will post shortly.

There will be a Season 2 of the BBC. I just had my "annual" physical checkup where my doctor told me that my number one goal should be to lose more weight. During my last physcial 4.5 years ago my weight was measured at 149 lbs. My muscle index was higher, my "good" cholesterol was higher and my "bad" cholesterol was lower before I became a full-time office cube bastard.

I just had Ptosis repair surgery yesterday so I will be taking things easy this next week, but after my sutures are removed it is back to the gym for me! Hitting the treadmill/bike seemed to do the most for me so that is where I will concentrate. Although most of us have kept down the weight in comarison to where we started, some of us have gained a few pounds back. Many things were even greater the second time around: Godfather II, Aliens, Empire Strikes Back, Gulf War II (more colateral damage! more expensive! more WMDs! OK maybe not) and I am sure BBC2 will be just as big of an improvement over the original.